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5 Ways to Increase The EPC Rating of Your Property

Solar panels to increase EPC score


If improving the energy efficiency of your properties hasn’t been front of mind, the recent explosion in energy prices and changes to energy related legislation in the UK may well be pushing you to prioritise it. We recently covered how you can improve EPC ratings with solar for flats, and touched on the EPC (Energy Performance Certificate) being the easiest way to establish the energy efficiency of a property. This provides you with a rating, where the better the rating the higher the energy efficiency and the lower the bills. Like school days, an A rating is top-notch, with a G rating being bottom of the heap and definitely needing improvement.

Energy efficiency is important for several reasons, including the well-being of the planet, the occupants of the property and how much they’re paying in bills. In this article, we’ve rounded up five ways you can increase the EPC rating of your property:

#1 Quality Insulation

#2 Upgrade The Boiler

#3 Double Glazing

#4 Solar Panels

#5 Energy Efficient Heating Sources


#1 Quality Insulation

A quick and simple way to increase the EPC rating of your buildings is by installing or topping up the insulation. When you put 270mm of insulation (from none), you may be able to increase the EPC rating by a full grade or more.

Cavity wall insulation is another solution where you may be able to average a 5-10 point increase. There’s also floor insulation where you can prevent draughts by insulating under timber floors, between the joists.

Draft proofing is also important, with up to 20% of heat escaping from gaps around windows and doors. Just make sure the draft snakes you provide are made from materials that are BS 7386 standard.

Improve your EPC rating, best ways to improve EPC rating

#2 Upgrade The Boiler

The choice of heating systems will have a significant impact on the energy efficiency of the property. A quick way to increase your EPC rating is by replacing the boiler.

From April this year (2022), energy bills for the average UK household hiked by a whopping 54%. By upgrading the boiler, you could save your tenants up to £365 a year.

While installing a new boiler can be costly (anywhere from £500-£3000 depending on the boiler you select) the EPC rating could potentially go up by 40 points. That’s four whole grades that might take your property to the top of the class.


#3 Double or Triple Glazing

By getting the windows double or triple glazed, you will improve the insulation of the property right away, which will shrink the heating bills. With double glazing lasting anywhere from 20-35 years, it’s a long-term investment worth making to your properties to improve energy efficiency.

In terms of costs, you’re looking at approximately £200 per standard-sized window for double glazing. This will be roughly £2000 for an average flat that’s two to three-bedrooms.

Double glazing can also increase the EPC rating of your building by approximately 10 points, which is a full grade.


#4 Solar Panels

Thanks to the Solshare, the days of solar power benefits only being for homeowners of free-standing properties is a thing of the past. Energy efficiency via solar panels for flats is now possible with the SolShare – a system that creates a private infrastructure for individual flats to equally access shared solar energy.

A typical SolShare system will increase the EPC rating by as many as 5-15 SAP points and set you back between £2,000-£4,000 per flat total, for the entire solar installation. While a decent investment upfront, your tenants will experience lower energy bills immediately. Compared to the other options for positively impacting an EPC rating, the SolShare definitely gives a solid return on investment from the day it’s installed.

The SolShare, solar panels for flats

#5 Energy Efficient Heating Sources

It is well worth looking at the heating systems installed in your property in terms of energy efficiency. Hydronic heating is incredibly efficient, with radiators being commonplace throughout the UK. You should keep in mind that your heating system will only be as efficient as the boiler you install to power it (taking us back to Suggestion #2).

If you want secondary heating sources in your building, be mindful of the running costs. Blow heaters, for instance, can end up costing more to run than central heating systems. They chew through a lot of electricity and tend to only warm up a small area of space, as well as being a potential fire hazard. If you’re looking at installing something other than hydronic heating, you may consider a wood-burning stove, as opposed to an open fireplace which will likely create greater efficiency and lower running costs.


How Can You Best Improve The EPC Rating of Your Building?

Optimising the EPC rating of your buildings is a must-do from a legislative perspective, as well as to help you and your tenants to manage energy costs. With options available to suit all budgets and properties, now is the time to consider which solutions are best for your building. For flat owners and housing providers, the SolShare is certainly a game-changer with solar panels for flats now being available to millions. Those who live in flats can also enjoy the benefits of lower energy bills and reduced carbon emissions. If the idea of solar power appeals to you for your property or development, get in touch with us to discuss the SolShare and the best options for your project.